Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • An Intuitive Help Center Section

  • You can find almost all the answers to your questions in the intuitive Help Center section integrated into AskSue Hosting’s Control Panel. It features a comprehensive database with commonly asked questions and detailed help articles prepared by our accomplished tech support team.

  • Top quality support service
  • How–To Videos

  • If you’d rather watch how an action is executed or how a problem is dealt with, instead of just reading about it, then check out our compilation of educational video tutorials. They address a lot of different topics and will help you swiftly understand how to work with our Control Panel.

  • Intuitive help center
  • A Sixty–Minute Response Time Guarantee

  • With all our semi–dedicated servers, we offer a 24x7x365 help desk support service with a one–hour response time guarantee. Our team of skillful technicians will be available to you to answer all the queries that you may have. During off–peak hours, an answer will be supplied within just 20 minutes.