Mailing List Members
Learn what a mailing list member is and how to register for a mailing list without delay.
If you use a mailing list to touch base with some or all of the visitors/users on your site on a periodic basis, its subscribers are often referred to as mailing list members. They need to sign up and to give their categorical consent to get automatic emails. You can add mailing list members manually as well, on the condition that the mailing list manager that you use to manage the mailing list allows this. According to the generally accepted policies, a list member should be able to unsubscribe whenever they like. You, being the mailing list administrator, can also remove members if they should not get emails for any reason. The email messages that each member receives will have just one single email address in the "To" field, not the addresses of all the mailing list members.
Mailing List Members in Cloud Hosting
In case you’ve got a
cloud hosting plan on our innovative cloud platform, you will be able to configure electronic mailing lists and to manage their members easily. We use a powerful application called Majordomo, which comes with numerous features and it’s hardly a surprise that it is among the most widely used mailing list management software apps available on the market. Adding or deleting a subscriber is remarkably easy – you will just need to send an email message with a particular word in the body of the message to, which implies that you will not even need to sign into the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. In the same way, you can also see all active subscribers for any mailing list that you create. Should you have any problems, you can check the help articles that we’ve included in the Email Manager section of the hosting Control Panel or you can contact our customer support staff, which is available 24-7.
Mailing List Members in Semi-dedicated Servers
With our
semi-dedicated hosting plans, there’s no limit on the number of mailing list subscribers that you can have. You can manage the subscriptions easily using the Majordomo mailing list client that we offer with each and every account and once you set up a brand new mailing list through the Email Manager section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you will be able to approve new members. The latter will get an email message in order to verify that they do not mind receiving your newsletters in the future and once they do that, they will be added to the mailing list. Deleting a member or seeing all current mailing list subscribers is also very easy and involves sending an email to the mailing list’s administrator email address, so you will be able to administer everything even if you aren’t logged in to your hosting Control Panel. We also have educational articles with helpful info.