A ticketing system is the most widespread correspondence medium that hosting companies offer to their clients. It’s typically part of the billing account and is the fastest way to handle an issue that takes a certain amount of time to examine or that has to be forwarded to a server admin. In this way, all comments added by either party will be stored in one and the same place in case somebody else wants to work on the issue at hand and the information already exchanged in the ticket will be available to all parties. The downside of using a ticketing system with most web hosting platforms is that it’s not integrated into the web hosting Control Panel, which means that you will have to log in and out of no less than two accounts in order to accomplish some task or to get in touch with the hosting company’s customer support team. If you want to manage a handful of domain names and each one is hosted in a different account, you’ll have to use even more accounts at the same time. Also, it might take a substantial length of time for the hosting provider to reply to your ticket requests.
Integrated Ticketing System in Cloud Hosting
Our cloud hosting plans include an integrated support ticket system, which is an indivisible part of our in-house developed Hepsia hosting Control Panel. In stark contrast with other analogous tools, Hepsia permits you to manage everything related to the web hosting service itself in one and the same location – payments, files, emails, trouble tickets, etc., avoiding the necessity to use different systems. In the event that you have any pre-sales or technical questions or any problems, you can send a ticket with just a few clicks of the mouse without the need to log out of your Control Panel. During the process, you can select a category and our system will offer you a number of informative articles, which will supply you with more information and which may help you solve any particular problem even before you actually submit a ticket. We guarantee a response time of no more than sixty minutes, even if it’s a weekend or a legal holiday.
Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Servers
The trouble ticket system that we’re using is built into the Hepsia Control Panel, which we’ve developed for our semi-dedicated hosting plans, so you will not need another support platform to get in touch with our customer service team – you can do it on the spot in the event that you chance upon an issue. Opening a new ticket takes several clicks and finding an older one is equally easy. With our smart search box, you can quickly track down any ticket that you have posted in the past. You can open a ticket at any moment in time since our help desk team representatives are working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and respond in no more than sixty minutes, even though it seldom takes this much to obtain a reply. With the Hepsia Control Panel, you will have everything in a single location and you can forget about going through 2 or more platforms to resolve a simple issue.