RAM, that is short for Random Access Memory, is a computer storage media which is accessed way quicker than a disk drive, because the data can be read randomly, skipping the bytes before the needed data is reached. On a server, the RAM is employed to load scripts and web applications after they are executed, so the more RAM you are able to use, the more applications you'll be able to run all at once and the more people will be able to look through your websites without any effect on the site’s/server’s performance. Unlike a disk drive, however, the RAM is employed for momentary storage purposes, since the data is lost as soon as the power is shut off. In case you use a shared web hosting account, the physical memory your scripts are able to use may be limited and could change based upon what the other customers on the same machine use. Using a virtual or a dedicated server, on the other hand, you will have a guaranteed amount of RAM which won't be used by anyone else even if you don't use it at a given time.
Guaranteed RAM in VPS Servers
If you decide to host your sites on a VPS server acquired from us, the amount of RAM you will get with it shall be guaranteed and will be available always no matter what. The VPS accounts are created on efficient hosting servers and when your virtual server is set up, the RAM memory offered with the particular plan shall be "locked", so even when you use a little part of it ultimately while another VPS account is using nearly all of its resources, we won't allocate the free RAM from your account even for the short term. This is valid when you upgrade the total memory of the virtual server as well - the extra amount shall be added to your account completely. You'll be able to upgrade either the entire plan or only the server’s RAM with only a few mouse clicks in the billing Control Panel.
Guaranteed RAM in Dedicated Servers
When you acquire one of our dedicated server plans, you will get a top-notch machine with enough RAM to run even several resource-demanding web programs without any effect on the overall functionality of any one of them. Because we test every single hardware component before we use it when we build a server, we shall ensure that the RAM sticks are not defective and that the web server runs flawlessly. The physical memory which you will get shall be available at all times, so even in times where you utilize merely a part of it for any given period of time, we shall never modify the configuration. You shall be able to examine the hardware, including the amount of RAM you have, in the billing Control Panel.