Whenever you create a fresh website, it’s really important to locate the best style and design for it. With the AskSue Hosting Control Panel it can be done really quickly. We’ve got for you a wide range of more than 800 specific web site templates accessible for free. They’re presented with each of our cloud hosting accounts and are also completely easy to customize.
The vast majority of our themes are built only for our services and aren’t available elsewhere outside of the Control Panel. Consequently the possibility to find another person utilizing the same template just like you tend to be small.
800+ Free Layout Templates
100% customizable. Automated Setting up
In the Control Panel you will find a array of 800+ free layout templates. All of them are planned for anyone who needs to easily set up a completely new web site with a custom theme, and not have to expend a long time browsing a great deal of template galleries on the internet.
Our templates are derived from the commonest sorts of sites – blogs, portfolio pages, online forums, web sites of non–profit establishments, e–stores, enterprise web sites, etc.
Free App Layout Templates
Find free layout templates for your forthcoming app
We have produced different tools (AskSue Hosting’s Web Site Installer Instrument, our Web Apps plus our Complimentary Website Building Application), readily available for absolutely free inside the AskSue Hosting Control Panel, that can help you deploy a whole new app like Joomla™ or Wordpress within seconds. Over the installation, it is possible to go with a customizable template that’ll be used on your brand new site from the beginning.
We’ve got free layout templates for these apps: Wordpress, Joomla™, Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery).
Free Site Builder Layout Templates
100+ thoroughly customizable free layout templates
With the Complimentary Website Building Application, it is possible to design your future website for free, without the need to dedicate a penny on web page design. You have got in front of you more than 100 exclusive site templates, available in numerous layouts and also palettes and which you may revise and individualize as you would like.
You don’t need to be familiar with anything at all regarding HTML or CSS in order to alter the look and feel of one’s templates. You can use the integrated manager to perform everything. If you’ve ever worked with a text–editing program, you should have no issue using the manager.